Our Story

NovaLab Observatory was started by our founder, Christopher Krstanovic in 2022. After a long career spent working as an R&D executive for premiere companies in the instrumentation field, Chris started NovaLab Product Development, then a parking sensor company and more recently cofounded Sentry Systems, company devoted to prevention of the wild fires.

Although he always had love of Astronomy, it was not until he was fortunate to be contracted to develop a sensor module for NASA’s Mars Phoenix Lander that his passion truly ignited. This led to him entering the field of Astro-imaging in earnest. During many years of observing he developed or improved many devices he used on regular basis in his observatory. This was the precipice that directly led to formation of the company.

The idea actually came from his wife and life partner, Ana, who also shares same passion for Astronomy. Why not share some of our inventions and tools with the rest of fellow enthusiasts? And since everything started with our observatory, we decided to name the company after it.

Enter Chris Magill, also a passionate Astro-photographer, who lent his expertise in marketing, and web design. Chris owns a recruiting firm Alternative Investment Staffing (a far cry from Astronomy). He looked at what we already had, and helped move things forward.

We draw upon the resources of our NovaLab sister company in fields of electrical, mechanical and software design. Our gratitude goes to all the engineers involved who help make things work.

Our focus, our moto indeed, is that inventiveness, quality and performance do matter.

At this time, we are still at the very beginning. Look for new, innovative product additions in the near and intermediate future.